Plastic-free Hong Kong


邁向「無塑」未來 | 快訊新知

Latest Update

回顧建築廢物收費計劃 檢視環保政策問題癥結 | 明報
垃圾徵費助減碳 創新轉型綠色就業未來 | 明報
邁向「無塑」未來 | CUHK in Focus
Plastic Reduction Academy:
No Plastic Bags, Please!
思想塑膠 人類世下的「超級物體」 | 明報
香港繽紛的尷尬 讀齋藤幸平的去增長論 | 明報

Recruitment of interviewees

[REGISTRATION] [2024年香港外賣平台工作調查研究] 

Issues that we concern about


Platform and
EM labour


Community Journalism



Green Jobs

Conflict Education

▊Social Innovation

How do we understand Social Innovation?

CSIS envisages social innovation as a process to transform existing social relations and inequalities. Social Innovation reveals the hidden human and environmental costs of our daily activities and proposes creative and community-based solutions.

Social innovation has been pioneered by traditional NGOs providing social services, and the business sector promoting the social enterprise model. In between these paradigms, CSIS thinks that a community-based and non-institutional approach to social innovation is much needed. We trust the power to transform comes from within the communities which in turn put to practice the change they wish to see in their lives.

The key goal of social innovation is to promote a society that achieves sustainability and resilience, in response to the predominance of excessive consumption, capital exploitation, and marginalisation of minority communities.

What is CSIS providing?

Interdisciplinary exchange platform

Our centre acts as a platform for researchers to provide mutual support, conduct interdisciplinary exchange, and cross-fertilize their research ideas for social impacts.

Our Executive Committee members include leading scholars in cultural studies, labour studies, social work, journalism and gender studies. They are Professor Wu Ka Ming, Dr. Cho Man Kit, Professor Fang Kecheng, Professor Suen Yiu Tung and Professor Wong Hung.

We conduct action researches and pilot studies that actively engage students throughout the process such as the Plastic Free Hong Kong — Chapters on Wet Markets project.

Our role

CSIS provides a platform for collaboration among teachers, researchers, students, and community initiatives.

Knowledge base for Social Innovation Project

We maintain a socially innovative project knowledge base

Student social innovation incubator

We act as an incubator for students’ innovation through engaging them in research and community interventions. 

Community engagement

We reach out to community initiatives in order to help disseminate their experiences to students and the public, as well as to facilitate their interaction.

Our Current Research Projects

Latest Event

Plastic-free together: Environmental Screening X Field Work
Plastic Reduction Academy:
No Plastic Bags, Please!
應對海洋塑膠: 與藝術、人文和科學的對話 Tackling Ocean Plastic: A Dialogue with Arts and Science

Centre for Social Innovation Studies, HKIAPS, CUHK

The Centre for Social Innovation Studies (CSIS), Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong was established in 2008 as the Centre for Civil Society Studies. The Centre is renamed as CSIS in 2015 responding to the evolving trend in civil society studies. The centre aims at promoting research, knowledge transfer and exchange between practitioners and academics in the field of social innovation and civil society. Our recent projects include Plastic Free, Fairwork, digital labour, platform cooperativism and social impact analysis.

Latest Update

Latest Publication

Towards Fair Work: Working Condition of Grassroot Platform Labour in Hong Kong

Activity Photos
